About The Course

Reconnecting with our creativity means reconnecting with our freedom. When we are active creators, we are literally creating the reality we want to live in. But making art isn’t only about choosing the right paper for you and knowing color theory. I strongly believe that art creation can be supported by our day to day actions and rituals. How are we showing up to our working tables? Art is a reflection of our inner worlds, of how we’re feeling. In this course we'll explore daily rituals as well as art activities that ignite the passion within. This course is not an art theory course where you will learn how to use watercolors and the color wheel, this is a course focused on the nourishing practices that awaken our inner creative muse supported with fun and inspiring art activities. All the classes are pre-recorded, once you register you'll receive lifetime access to the whole course, this format gives you the freedom to advance at your own pace. English is not Caro Arevalo's first language so please remember the pace of this course is on the calmer side, please shop mindfully.
  • 27 classes

    The course consists on 25 classes; 12 rituals around creativity and 15 art activities. Each ritual matches and art class and they are intended to be done one after the other. You will have permanent access to all the content and can come back to it whenever you want to.

  • 8 Guest Teachers

    A group of leading medicine woman each with a specific field of expertise will be guiding 1 class each from the rituals around creativity section, Caro will be leading the rest as well as guiding all the art activities.

  • Inspiration & Support

    Each class has an E-booklet designed for each activity, giving you tons of resources to dive deeper on each specific theme There are also videos and lectures designed to support you on this journey.

Course curriculum

  • 01


    • Welcome

    • Before You Start: Our First Activity

    • Welcome: Overview & First Activity Workbook

    • Tools To Set The Mood

    • Suggested Tools For The Course

    • Playlist's Songs

  • 02

    Creating Sacred Space & Observing The Self

    • Creating Sacred Space Part 1

    • Creating Sacred Space Part 2

    • Creating Sacred Space Workbook

    • Experimental Portrait: Let's Get Loose

    • Connecting With The Self Workbook

    • Creating Sacred Space Zine by Koa Mikaelah

  • 03

    Yoga and Color

    • Yoga Practice: Gentler Flow

    • Yoga Practice: Energizing Flow

    • Yoga Workbook

    • Connecting With Color

    • Connecting with Ink and Color Workbook

  • 04

    Meditation and Nature

    • Meditation

    • Drawing Inspiration from Nature 1

    • Drawing Inspiration From Nature 2

    • Nature as Inspiration Workbook

  • 05

    Breathwork and Sacred Geometry

    • Breathwork

    • Breathwork Workbook

    • An introduction to Sacred Geometry

    • The Torus: Phyllotaxis

    • The Flower Of Life & Fibonacci Spiral

    • Sacred Geometry Workbook

  • 06

    The Intention of Words

    • Writing Intentions

    • Writing Intentions Workbook

    • Art With Words

    • Art With Words Workbook

  • 07

    Visualization Journey

    • Visualization Journey

    • Visualization Journey Workbook

    • Art from Downloads

    • Art From Downloads Workbook

  • 08

    The Power of Silence and Stillness

    • The Magic of Silence

    • The Magic of Silence Workbook

    • Reconnecting With Our Space: A New Language

    • Reconnecting with Our Space: A New Language Workbook

  • 09

    Stepping Back into Our Heart Space

    • Cacao for Creativity Part 1

    • Cacao for Creativity Part 2

    • Cacao for Creativity Workbook

    • Making Mandalas: Trusting the Intuition

    • Mandala Magic: Ritual In Action Workbook

  • 10

    Movement, Imagination and Observation

    • Movement: Awakening The Feminine

    • Movement: Awakening The Feminine Workbook

    • Imagination and Memory

    • Observation

    • Imagination, Memory & Observation Workbook

  • 11

    The Art of Card Decks

    • The Art of Card Decks

    • Painting from Archetypes

    • The Art of Decks Workbook

  • 12

    Dreams as Messengers

    • Dreams As Messengers Part 1

    • Dreams As Messengers Part 2

    • Dreams As Messengers Workbook

    • The Art of A Dream Journal

    • The Art of A Dream Journal Workbook

  • 13

    Using New Tools with Intention

    • Conscious Social Media

    • Conscious Social Media Workbook

    • New Art Tools

    • New Art Tools Workbook

  • 14

    When You're Finished

    • Dive Deeper: After The Course

    • Integration Invitations

  • 15

    If you need some inspiration/support

Register Now!

The course has payment options and installments. Pay $223 if you are in a position of abundance or $123 if you are in a situation of financial stress (it comes to less than $5 per class) Both prices include payment plans and give you access to all the course's materials. As the whole course becomes available to you instantly after register this course doesn't offer refunds or cancellations after payment, please shop mindfully.



Caro Arevalo is a Peruvian visual artist based in Brooklyn, NY. From her Amazonian heritage she embraces the importance of rituals and ancestral wisdom. This is reflected on her intricate artwork that talks about how by observing nature we can notice that there is no real separateness in between beings; identifying the whole universe connected as a one. Rituals also play an important role on Caro's daily life as this are the building blocks that feed her creative flow.

Caro Arevalo

Visual Artist

What the students are saying

"This course helped me come alive" I'm so sad that this course is over, but so grateful to be able to come back to it as well! This course came into my life right as I was spiritually awakening. I've always felt connected to rituals, and in my awakening, felt very called to do them, but I had absolutely no idea how to start. I am an artist, so to find rituals around creativity specifically was so extremely special to me that I cannot put into words. To walk in the beginnings of my awakening with creativity is so, so important to me, and this course has taught be so much. I will be implementing so many of these rituals into my every day practice. The art activities were so fun and freeing, especially as a working artist to step outside of the box a little everyday. I give my sincerest gratitude to all of the medicine women who touched my soul and brought so much wisdom into my life. And finally, my sincerest gratitude to Caro, for not only bringing this course into the world, but for being a personal inspiration and fantastic example of what it means to be a conscious artist. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"