Caro Arevalo Studio, LLC provides this document (“Privacy Policy”) to inform about the policies and practices related to the use of personal information during the development on the Workshop as defined in the Term and Conditions agreement.


The Workshop will be developed through the sited hosted by Thinkific Labs Inc (“Thinkific”). Caro Arevalo Studio LCC recommends the Student to read the Thinkific’s Terms of Service (

and Privacy Statement (

According to Thinkific’s Terms of Service and Privacy Statement, Thinkific collects and provide the personal information of the Learner such as name, last name and e-mail address to Caro Arevalo Studio, LLC. This information will be used by Caro Arevalo Studio, LLC according to those terms and conditions, for the specific purpose contained therein and for the development of the Workshop.


Acknowledge for the Use of Personal Information & Communications 

During the development of the Workshop, the Learner may decide to participate in group processes (i.e. forum discussions). Likewise, Caro Arevalo Studio, LLC may realize communications by e-mail regarding the development of the Workshop, or future workshops hosted on Thinkific site. This Privacy Policy focuses only those purposes, being independent from Thinkific’s use, terms and applicable conditions on the relation of the Learner with such platform.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, the Learner agrees and provides consent Show to other learners and Guest Teachers participating in the Workshop its name, e-mail and shared opinions, if is the case the Learner decide to participate in forums related to the Workshop. The Learner may choose not to participate on such forums but will not be able to enjoy all aspects of the Workshop. At any time, the Learner may opt to withdraw its consent for this purposes by mailing at: [email protected]

Likewise, the Learner acknowledges that Caro Arevalo Studio, LLC is authorized realize communications related to the development and progress of the Workshop, including but not limited to pending assignments, Q&A’s, and/or updates of the Terms and Conditions, materials from the Workshop or this Privacy Policy, if necessary. Likewise, the Learner acknowledges Caro Arevalo Studio, LLC is authorized to realize communications about future workshops hosted in Thinkific’s site.



Personal information from the Learner under this Privacy Policy will not be disclosed, unless required by law to do so or in case of breach and/or violation of the Terms and Conditions.



Personal information of the Learner under this Privacy Policy will be protected with reasonable precautions to make sure it is not inappropriately lost, misused, accessed, disclosed or altered.

Age of Consent


By accepting this Privacy Policy, the Learner represents having at least the age of majority in its state or province of residence.




The information described on this document is collected and provided by Thinkific to Caro Arevalo Studios, LLC. If the Leaner wants to access, make a question, complain, comment, correct, amend or delete any personal information referred in this document, or simply wants more information, please contact both Thinkific and Carolina Arevalo.

Caro Arevalo Studio LLC reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy. Changes and clarifications will be notified to the Learner with reasonable anticipation to its entry in force. This document is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions.